Twinkle Khanna recently shared a touching and nostalgic photo series on her social media platform, offering her followers a glimpse into the cherished memories she shares with her mother, Dimple Kapadia. The black and white photographs beautifully portray the enduring bond between the mother-daughter duo, evoking sentiments of love and companionship.
The first photograph captures a young Twinkle as a child, playfully holding her mother’s hand. With short hair, dressed in an adorable frock, and a mischievous glint in her eyes, Twinkle exudes innocence and charm. The second snapshot features her at the same age, gazing directly at the camera with the same playful expression.
In the third photograph, the series takes a leap to the present day, presenting a matured Twinkle seated gracefully beside her beloved mother, Dimple. The accompanying caption adds depth to the visual narrative, as Twinkle affectionately expresses, “All I need is a little suit and I could easily pass off as her bouncer. Forty years later, I am still her bodyguard. I got the suit and I have also learned to disguise the aggressiveness behind a smile.”