Audrey Hepburn, originally known as Audrey Kathleen Ruston, graced the world with her luminous beauty and elegant demeanor. Born on May 4, 1929, in Brussels, Belgium, she later found her home in Tolochenaz, Switzerland, where she would leave an indelible mark. Audrey, a Belgian by birth, held British citizenship through her father and received her … Continue reading Audrey Hepburn
Category: biography
Shama Sikander
Born on the 4th of August 1981, Shama Sikander Ali Gesawat stands as an Indian Bollywood actress renowned for her commanding presence. Her mark on the entertainment canvas finds its pinnacle through her captivating lead roles in prominent TV series, including the acclaimed Yeh Meri Life Hai. Additionally, her talents shine bright in the world … Continue reading Shama Sikander
Tina Kandelaki
Tina Kandelaki(Russian: Π’ΠΈΠ½Π° ΠΠ°Π½Π΄Π΅Π»Π°ΠΊΠΈ, Georgian: ααααααα ααααααααα), a formidable force in the world of media, commands attention as an incomparable beauty, a dynamic Russian-Georgian journalist, masterful television presenter, and astute producer. Born on the 10th of November, 1975, she exudes prowess and entrepreneurial spirit, with a firm stake in the ownership of the Apostol company, … Continue reading Tina Kandelaki