You are right. Absolutely right.

Henry Ford once retorted “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Leaders are enemies of their own existence. Pessimists are right. Optimists are right. Hallucination can also be right. After all, perception is controlled hallucination (If hallucination is uncontrolled perception). In a nutshell, you are right. Expectations are affirmations they … Continue reading You are right. Absolutely right.

We criticize technology?

Unfortunately, we do not hesitate to criticize the technology. we criticize Twitter, we criticize Facebook, and the one who is possessed by dogmas criticize everything that is a human invention but isn’t it a marvel that we are blessed to live in an era of technological and scientific abundance where information travels on the push … Continue reading We criticize technology?

You are better, but not enough better

We all have inertia because we are made up of the earth, and the earth has inertia so we are reluctant to change because change has to overcome resistance. It is entirely possible that you are better at the skill that you have chosen. Probably you have fallen in love with the skill that you … Continue reading You are better, but not enough better

Disruption takes time. Every step count.

You are a teenager, or in your 20s, or in your 30s, or perhaps in any stage of life you must have heard the golden words of an ancient mariner that “swiftly-swiftly flew the ship rising gently on the coming tides”. Life is like that whether we reach our goal is equally important, but the … Continue reading Disruption takes time. Every step count.

Healing energy science behind Thanks Giving.

In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared a harvest feast, now recognized as one of the first Thanksgiving days in history. For over two centuries, various colonies celebrated Thanksgiving. Then, in 1863, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln officially declared a national Thanksgiving day each November. During Thanksgiving, you likely enjoy a … Continue reading Healing energy science behind Thanks Giving.